Disability Services

Each school term, students requesting disability services are required to complete the Request for Disability Services Application Form and return to the ADA Coordinator or Campus Dean at least two weeks before services are needed. Documentation of your disability must be submitted every three years, beginning with your first application. Examples of documentation include letters or reports from a licensed professional that includes a diagnosis, discussion of limitations, and the recommended accommodations for the stated disability.

The ADA Coordinator will review your request and coordinate the services to be provided by CLTCC. The application includes a disability services contract and a State of Louisiana Voter Registration Agencies Declaration Form. The student requesting services must complete both of these documents and return them to the ADA Coordinator. Students may elect to complete the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Form only if he or she wishes to share the documentation and records.

The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:

ADA Coordinator for Students/Section 504 Coordinator
Dr. John Broderick
516 Murray Street
Alexandria, LA 71301
(318) 487-5443, Ext. 1939
[email protected]

Title IX Coordinator & ADA  for Employees/Director of Human Resources 
Angel McGee
516 Murray Street
Alexandria, LA 71301
(318) 487-5443, Ext. 1152
[email protected]