Title IX
- What is Title IX?
- What does Title IX require?
- Who is the Title IX coordinator?
- Title IX Statement
- Title IX Reporting Forms B1 B2 & B3-Fall 2023
- Title IX Reporting Forms B1 B2 & B3-Spring 2024
- Title IX Reporting Form Fall 2024
- Title IX Board of Regents Data Report-2024-2025
- Board of Regents Power Based Violence Report-Fall 2023
- Board of Regents Power Based Violence Report-Fall 2024
- Title IX Report-Fall 2023-2024
- Title IX Report-Spring 2023-2024
- Power Based Violence Narrative-2022-2023
- Power Based Violence Narrative-2023-2024
- Power Based Violence Narrative-2024-2025
- Title IX Reporting Form-2023
- Power Based Violence/Title IX MOUs-08/21/2024
- Title IX and PBV Training Materials
- Title IX and Sexual Harassment Training Materials
What Is Title IX?
Title IX is part of the Education Amendments of 1972 and is enforced by the U.S. Department of Education. This federal law prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities operated by recipients of federal financial assistance. Title IX applies to all participants of such programs, including students, and faculty/staff members.
Title IX helps to foster a safe and respectful College environment that better protects students, faculty and staff from incidents of sex-based discrimination and sexual harassment, including sexual violence, relationship violence and abuse.
Sexual Harassment & Sexual Violence
- Unwelcome, gender-based verbal or physical conduct which is sufficiently serious that it unreasonably interferes with, limits or deprives someone of the ability to participate in or benefit from the institution’s educational program. The unwelcome behavior may be based on power differentials, the creation of a hostile environment, or retaliation.
- Conditioning a benefit on submitting to sexual advances.
- Gender-based stalking or bullying.
- Repeatedly subjecting a person to egregious, unwanted sexual attention.
- Touching of a sexual nature.
- Sexually suggestive phone calls, texts, email, or social media posts; gestures, jokes, or innuendos; derogatory, degrading, or sexist remarks about a person’s body, clothing, or sexual activities.
- Displaying or distributing sexually explicit drawings, pictures, or written materials.
- Sexual violence or intimate partner violence.
- Attempting to coerce an unwilling person into a sexual relationship.
- Engaging in sexual interactions without freely given consent.
- Repeatedly subjecting a person to egregious, unwanted sexual attention.
- Reprisal for a refusal to comply with any of the above statements.
Awareness & Prevention
Awareness and preventive measures are key elements in reducing the risk of assault, but no one can predict or control another person’s behavior. Most assaults are committed by people the victim knows. If you are a victim of sexual assault, seek support and help immediately.
The use of alcohol or drugs can interfere with your ability to assess situations and to communicate effectively. Do not accept drinks from people you do not know well or leave your beverage unattended. Tell a friend if you suspect you have been drugged unknowingly.
Trust your instincts about possible danger and take appropriate actions to protect yourself. Look out for others, as well as yourself. Use the “buddy system.” Get involved if you believe a friend is at risk. Do not be afraid to intervene if you see that a friend is in trouble or being pressured in any way.
Procedure: Reporting
Don’t be afraid to report.
Sometimes people are afraid to report sexual violence or harassment because drugs or alcohol are involved. Central Louisiana Technical Community College's (CLTCC) highest priority is the safety of everyone on our campuses. Any other rule violations will be handled separately from the sexual harassment or violence complaint. The use of alcohol or drugs never makes the person who was victimized at fault for sexual violence.
We do not tolerate retaliation.
Central Louisiana Technical Community College (CLTCC) prohibits any form of retaliation against a complainant. Any allegations of retaliation will result in an immediate investigation and appropriate action consistent with the College’s due process procedures.
Take action and don’t ignore it.
Pay attention to cues, comments, instincts, and experiences. Address unwanted contact immediately.
Say no.
Tell the person that the conduct is unwanted. Tell them to stop.
Tell someone.
If you are a student, tell a faculty member, a staff member, or anyone who can help. If you are an employee, tell your supervisor, an administrator, a staff or faculty member.
We take every complaint seriously.
Central Louisiana Technical Community College (CLTCC) takes any complaint about sexual violence or sexual harassment very seriously. The College follows the guidelines published by the U.S. Department of Education and Office of Civil Rights. Each complaint is immediately assessed to determine imminent danger and duty to warn others. A preliminary investigation is performed. Once an outcome has been determined based on the preponderance of evidence, the complainant and respondent are informed and appropriate actions are taken based on that outcome.
What Does Title IX Require?
CLTCC is obligated to provide a prompt, thorough and equitable investigation of any report of sex-based discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual violence. This obligation remains even in the absence of a formal complaint.
Title IX ensures that both parties in a reported event have equal opportunity to be heard and participate in a grievance process.
Who Is the Title IX Coordinator?
The Title IX Coordinator is responsible for:
- Coordinating CLTCC’s compliance with Title IX.
- Overseeing all complaints of sex discrimination and identifying and addressing any.
- Patterns or systemic problems that arise during the review of such complaints.
- Overseeing training, prevention, and education efforts and regular reviews of climate and culture.
- Providing assistance to any CLTCC employer regarding how to respond appropriately to a report of sexual harassment, sexual assault, or relationship violence.
Questions or to file a complaint (For Emergencies dial 911):
Title IX Coordinator for Students:
Annalyn Burch
Director of Student Services
516 Murray St.
Alexandria, LA 71301
(318) 487-5443 ext. 1005
[email protected]
Title IX & ADA Coordinator for Employees:
Angel McGee
Human Resources Director
(318) 487-5443 ext. 1152
[email protected]
Student Services Contact:
Jamie Randall
Student Success Coordinator
2100 Wallace Blvd North
Ferriday, LA 71334
(318) 757-6501 ext. 4101
ADA Coordinator for Students:
Dr. John Broderick
Dean of Academic Programs
516 Murray St.
Alexandria, LA 71301
(318) 487-5443 ext. 1939