Graphic Identity Guidelines

When CLTCC officially changed its name from Central Louisiana Technical College to Central Louisiana Technical Community College in 2012, the college developed a new logo and embarked on a long-term rebranding campaign to support the CLTCC’s mission as a two-year, comprehensive technical and community college.

The new logo, developed by a local graphic design firm, is a symbol of CLTCC’s pride in serving the Central Louisiana community. To help communicate CLTCC’s new identity, as well as to maintain a strong, consistent image that builds awareness of the college and strengthens its reputation, please review the graphic identity guidelines for the logo.

CLTCC’s visual identity plays an important role in how the institution is viewed by current students, potential students and the community. These guidelines will ensure CLTCC’s brand (i.e., name, logos, colors, seal, etc.) is presented professionally and consistently at all times.

Everyone (staff, faculty, students and vendors) is responsible for applying these guidelines when using CLTCC’s identity for various projects. These guidelines apply to projects produced by outside vendors, as well as projects created in-house. It’s important to use the identity consistently. Every banner, brochure, letter, business card, commercial, video or t-shirt that CLTCC produces and distributes is an opportunity to strengthen our image and build upon our recognition in the community.

Although maintaining a consistent image is a priority for CLTCC, it is understandable that exceptions to these guidelines may be needed from time to time for various projects. All exceptions to these guidelines must be approved by the Chancellor.