Ferriday Campus People

Photo of Charlene Anderson

Charlene Anderson

Instructor of Practical Nursing

Photo of Mignonne Ater

Mignonne Ater

Campus Dean/Dean of Nursing and Allied Health

Photo of Sandra Caldwell

Sandra Caldwell

Adult Education Site Coordinator-Instructor

Photo of April Cavin

April Cavin

Instructor of Patient Care Technician

Photo of Katrina Collins

Katrina Collins

Adjunct Adult Education Instructor

Photo of Julia Fife

Julia Fife

Instructor of Practical Nursing

Photo of Johnny Havard

Johnny Havard

Adjunct instructor of Welding

Photo of Melinda Patt

Melinda Patt

Instructor of Practical Nursing

Photo of Jamie Randall

Jamie Randall

Student Services Coordinator

Photo of Megan Randall

Megan Randall

Business Office Administration Instructor

Photo of Katrina Robb

Katrina Robb

Instructor of Pharmacy Technician

Photo of Michelle Tiffee

Michelle Tiffee

Program Coordinator/Practical Nursing and Allied Health Instructor